At Anti Explorator we always advice our users to stay extra vigilant when checking mails and submitting personal information online. This ensures a high level of security against malware and other malicious programs seeking to gaining access to your computer.
Malware does however have a way of finding a way to even the most protected computers and companies. This is a lesson IBM recently learned. In short IBM unknowingly sold flash drives infected with malware to a wide range of retailers around the globe. The malware attack were quickly discovered, and halted in its tracks before getting out of control. IBM recalled all suspected flash drives which could contain the malware.
“Reconyc”, as the malware is called, copied itself to the unit as soon as the flash drive were activated. Thus compromising the security of the user, and the affected unit.
As of yet it is unknown how many units that could be affected, and reports of related attacks have not yet been made public. We strongly advice any users that have purchased a flash drive from IBM to return it to the retailer, or simply destroy it. We also encourage users to invest in a trusted antispywareprogram such as Anti Explorator.
Anti Explorator is specifically designed to locate and eliminate any threat to your online security. Even if you do not suspect any malware on your computer, we still urge you to at least try Anti Explorator. You can download the latest version free and scan your computer immediately.
Once more we would like to encourage all users to keep a keen eye on any suspicious activity online. This alongside a good antispywareprograms is paramount when dealing with malware.