2017 is upon us and what a start! Our users have downloaded Anti Explorator more than 10.000 since our launch in 2016, and we are proud of reaching this milestone and the enormous amount of trust our users have shown us.
From the very beginning our main goal have been to offer our users, despite technical prerequisites and knowhow, a way to gain access to a simple and effective tool to secure their computer against spyware. We have designed Anti Explorator specifically to eliminate threats to your online security, and the huge interest by our users signals, that there is urgent need for this type of software.
It is crucial that Anti Explorator is user-friendly and users can receive the support they need. This is why we at Anti Explorator offers support any day of the week, and furthermore offer it in our users local language. We all know the frustration of long response times, and replies that you need to have technical insight to understand. At Anti Explorator, you can expect support in a language that you can understand and can manage, and we guarantee that our support will help you all the way.
Without mentioning any names we can confirm that on new year’s eve we helped a user with reinstalling Anti Explorator, reactivate the license and remove several threats!
Remember that you always can download a try the newest version of Anti Explorator free of charge. Claim you your free download here.
If you need any support or have any questions related to online security please let us know here.